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The Banana Boat Tour Guides


  • this river is spectacular and is an easy ride to travel. The River stretches 1,988 miles!
  • trip planner
    Favorites: 0
    Days: 28
    Km: 0
    Posted: 10/02/2014
    Updated: 10/02/2014
Types: Nature, Young ones, Middle Age, Adults

The river Indus begins in the high mountains of Tibet, South-western China, flowing northwest through the Jammu and Kashmir area of India and Pakistan, then south through Pakistan and finally emptying in the Arabian Sea. The Indus, through a sequence of dams and canals, offers much of the irrigation and power for central Pakistan. This river is truly beautiful and would be a wonderful opportunity to take, and you can with the Banana Boat Tour Guides

During your stay you can stay at The Grand Dragon Hotel, it is rated 4 stars! There is high quality dining, sleeping arrangements, and breakfast is included. Breakfast is served at 8am in th morning for all our early risers and lasts until noon.

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