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Destination creator (Voyajo Team)

London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its founding by the Romans, who called it (...) (from Wikipedia).
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Trip creator - yoel

Day 1  – Royal London
Start – Westminster Underground Station.
The point of departure for this route is a visit to Westminster Abbey. The abbey is situated on the northern bank of the Thames, right next to Big Ben and Parliament. At the end of the visit to Westminster we recommend crossing Whitehall Street towards the river bank and visiting Big Ben and Parliament. 
In order to reach the next station on the route – the London Eye Ferris Wheel, you need to cross the river by walking over Westminster Bridge. Immediately after crossing the river you turn left and walk for a few minutes along the river's southern bank, heading north, until you reach the London Eye Ferris Wheel. It's very prominent, and you can't miss it. 
When the ride on the Ferris wheel comes to an end we recommend crossing the river back to its northern bank, the same way we came, on Westminster Bridge. 
Immediately after crossing the bridge, turn and walk right (north) on the northern bank of the Thames along the Victoria Embankment. When you reach Northumberland Ave., turn left (west) and walk on the wide avenue until you get to Trafalgar Square. 
After getting a general impression of the square, and feeding the pigeons that abound there  we recommend a visit to the National Gallery. 
After visiting at the National Gallery, walk along The Mall. A large part of this walk goes through St. James Park, until you reach Buckingham Palace. This is the end of the route for the first day. 
End: Hyde Park Corner Underground Station.



Day 2 – Northwest London
Start – Paddington Station
After leaving Paddington Station, go around to the back of the station. Here there's a narrow passage for pedestrians leading towards Little Venice. If the direction isn't entirely clear you can ask one of the policemen stationed at the station's entrance to show you the way to Little Venice. 
After visiting the Little Venice area and looking at the boats that dock there, we recommend walking along Regent's Canal until you reach Regent's Park. When you get to the border of the park, turn and walk right (south) along the border of the park on Park Road, until you reach the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. Here we recommend visiting the Madame Tussauds Museum, on the southern edge of Regent's Park. 
When the visit is over cross the park to the north. You practically walk along the entire length of the park on a path called The Broad Walk, until you get to the London Zoo. Throughout the park are signs pointing in the direction of the zoo. When you finish visiting the zoo we recommend that you continue to walk along the canal. A paved path right by the canal leads from the northern edge of the zoo to Camden Town. Here you should visit and do some extensive shopping at Camden Market, which is one of the cheapest places to shop in this city. 
The tour ends at the Camden Town Underground Station.



Day 3 – Along the Riverbanks
Start: The St. Paul Underground Station.
The first station on this route is St. Paul's Cathedral, located on the northern bank of the River Thames. After visiting the giant cathedral, walk south towards the river. After crossing Queen Victoria Street you reach the bank of the Thames and the newest bridge that crosses over the river. This is a bridge for pedestrians called The Millennium Bridge, and it was inaugurated in 2000. 
After crossing the river over the metal bridge you arrive at the entrance of Tate Modern, and you visit the gallery. 
At the end of the visit at the gallery, you should walk along the river heading east (the river is to your left). Several hundreds meters away is Shakespeare's reconstructed Globe Theatre. 
In the evenings you can see a play at the theatre, and during the day we recommend touring around the building. 
After this visit, continue further east along the southern bank of the river until you reach London's new City Hall. After touring around the building, which looks like a glass egg slanted on its side, cross the river to its northern bank, over Tower Bridge. 
We recommend visiting the different stories of the bridge, and from there continuing on to visit the Tower of London on the northern bank. 
End of the route: the Tower Hill Underground Station.



Day 4 – Center of Town
Start: Piccadilly Circus Underground Station.
From the Piccadilly Circus station walk northeast along Coventry Street. This is considered to be one of London's most beautiful and lovely areas. It has interesting fashion shops and a lot of bookshops and art galleries. We recommend walking along Leicester Street, crossing Charing Cross, then continue to walk on Long Acre Street until you get to Covent Garden, and then spend some time there. 
After that, walk along Bow Street heading northwest, and from there continue to Endell Street, until you reach Bloomsbury Street and continue to the British Museum. Visit the British Museum and afterwards return to Bloomsbury Street and walk south until you reach Oxford Street, the city's most famous shopping street.
Take a walk on Oxford Street, heading west to the edge of Hyde Park until Marble Arch. Along this walk you'll pass by some of the largest department stores in London. We recommend a visit to Selfridges. 
This route ends at: Marble Arch Underground Station.



Day 5 – Kew Gardens and the City's Southwest
Start: Westminster Underground Station
To visit the Royal Botanical Gardens, take the Underground's District line (green) towards Richmond until the Kew Gardens station. 
After visiting Kew Gardens take the same line to the South Kensington station. When you leave the station, cross Cromwell Road heading north, and walk along Exhibition Road until you reach the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum. 
After visiting these museums, walk back to Cromwell Road and head northeast. If you continue walking on Brompton Road you will reach one of the best known department stores in the city – Harrods. 
End of the route: Knightsbridge Underground Station.
