
Destination creator (Voyajo Team)

Rouen is the historic capital city of Normandy, in northern France on the River Seine, and currently the capital of the Haute-Normandie (Upper Normandy) region. Once one of the largest and most prosperous cities of medieval Europe, Rouen was the seat of the Exchequer of Normandy in the Middle Ages (...) (from Wikipedia).
Visit Rouen

Trip creator - diana.popescu@gmail.

Se pleaca spre Rouen, cel mai important oras din nordul Normandiei. Se viziteaza Orasul Vechi cu strazile sale inguste si cele 800 de case din lemn ilustrand stralucit arhitectura Evului Mediu. Se viziteaza Catedrala, Arcada Marelui Orologiu , Place de Vieux-Marche, locul unde a fost arsa pe rug Jeanne d’Arc . Cazare zona Rouen hotel Ibis sau similar.